Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

A Notice from Tottori Prefecture:

     Washing hands and wearing a surgical mask are important precautions against the spread of the new-type coronovirus. It is also important to avoid crowded public spaces, stay home if you feel unwell, get enough rest, and eat a balanced diet.
     If you think you may have become infected, call the consultation hotline (Consultation Center)  before you go to the hospital.  The center will introduce you to medical facilities that are able to treat you. Please wear a mask and make your way to the medical facilities, without using public transport where possible.

○Hotlines for consultation  in TOTTORI (24h)
Tottori City Health Center 0857-22-5625(off hours 0857-22-8111)
Kurayoshi Health Center 0858-23-3135、0858-23-3136
Yonago Health Center 0859-31-0029、0859-31-9317
◎When should you call?
■When you have cold symptoms accompanied by a fever of 37.5 degrees Celsius or higher for four or more days
■When you experience severe fatigue and have difficulty breathing

◎The following types of persons are highly susceptible to illness. Call the hotline promptly (upon experiencing symptoms for more than two days) if you are:
■Diabetic or have kidney disease or respiratory illness
■On dialysis
■In treatment for cancer

[Related Links]
Tottori Prefecture Website Coronavirus Consultation Center, Notification, etc <English>
NHK World Coronavirus outbreak <English>
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) <English>
Japan National Tourism Organization Coronavirus (COVID-19) advisory information <English>

